04 April 2013

A Quote of Mine...

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart." - Anne Frank

One of my favorite quotes. I admire Anne for being able to say this, even after all she went through. She may have been Jewish, but yet she still follows Christ's words in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant:"'Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?"' Jesus answered," I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times,'" (Matthew 18:21-22).

God can only allow good to come into being. Even if he allowed something bad to happen, it was definitely for the greater good. God created all of us to be good all the way from the time of Adam and Eve. Even though we have fallen into sin, we are all still capable of good. None of us are born and immediately decide to sin and harm others. The process has to do with the environment we are raised in. For example, could we blame a teenager for stealing and resisting authority if all that's all they know? It can be difficult to change if you've been living a lifestyle for your entire life. But, underneath that rebel teenager is one really nice kid. Changing someone requires a significant amount of time and effort, which today's American justice system lacks the resources to do. However, the rewards are far worth the investment.

03 April 2013


Lets face it. As teenagers in high school, most of us tend to doze off in at least one of our classes. But is that really what we should be doing?

When we go to school, we have an obligation to pay attention in class. Our parents pay tax dollars for us to attend public school, and even more for those in private schools. When we sleep in class, we not only risk the in-school consequences, but also we waste our parents' money. But what if the teacher doesn't care if you sleep in their class? Why should I have to pay attention? I could be having a much needed power nap right now!

In this situation, we are presented with a choice: to sleep or stay awake. Of course, some of us may have had a long night or the teacher is simply a walking lullaby. But, it is still our responsibility to know the material. After all, it would be useful to know that bleach and ammonia is a no no. Or, how to find a geometric mean. Who knows? Maybe the stuff we learn in class might actually apply to our lives.

02 April 2013

Love: The Church's Teaching

What does the Church teach on love? To answer this, let us take a look at John 15:12, where Jesus says "This is my commandment: love one another as I love you." Jesus perfects the Decalogue, or the Ten Commandments, and replaces it with one single one. However, His new commandment of love is the hardest of all. Jesus is calling us to show love even in the most difficult of circumstances, as said in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant "'Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?"' Jesus answered," I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times,'" (Matthew 18:21-22). We constantly sin against Christ, but yet He forgives us every time.
Jesus is calling us to do the same, by showing infinite love to our brothers and sisters, even if they should sin against us. Let us follow the path of Christ, and be more forgiving toward our brothers and sisters. After all, there is only one Earth, and we have to share it as we await for the return of our lord and savior. 

01 April 2013

Love: Subjective or Objective?

Today's post is about love. Is it subjective or objective? First , let us define "subjective." Subjective pertains to one specific individual; it is a personal idea or opinion. Objective refers to purely the facts, free from the distortion of personal thoughts or feelings.

Let us look at an example: a mother's love for her child. Objectively, she is supposed to love her child unconditionally. Unfortunately, we all know that this tends to vary between mothers. Subjectively, one mother may spoil her child, while another may abuse him or her. While these are the broad ends of the spectrum, we are all human, and therefore, are not perfect. Only God is perfect, and his love for us is infinite. He loves us to the extent that He died for all of us, despite all the opposition we gave him.

Christ's redemption is objective. He redeemed us all on His Cross, and freed us from sin. However, subjectively, we still need to respond to His call. While God may have redeemed us all, He still gives us the free will to accept or deny that redemption.

31 March 2013

Service Projects

Service. Probably the most obvious answer to the question of "how can I holy?". However, most of us have neither the time not the willingness to just go out and work for no pay. Is there even a benefit to volunteering? What's the point?
I just finished a reflection paper of my recent service project to the mentally ill. I volunteered at two places: a Church where a gala-type event was being held in which I was serving food to the mentally ill, and a retirement home that comprised mostly mentally ill and disabled patients. Most of us probably don't frequently interact with mentally ill people, and in the event that we do, we have no idea how to treat them. Service projects are a great way to meet all types of people. Through them, we can learn how to deal with different people, and make friends along the way. Learning social skills is an important part for any job, as no matter where you go, you will have to encounter people one way or another. Service can help you gain these skills, while also giving back to the community.