03 April 2013


Lets face it. As teenagers in high school, most of us tend to doze off in at least one of our classes. But is that really what we should be doing?

When we go to school, we have an obligation to pay attention in class. Our parents pay tax dollars for us to attend public school, and even more for those in private schools. When we sleep in class, we not only risk the in-school consequences, but also we waste our parents' money. But what if the teacher doesn't care if you sleep in their class? Why should I have to pay attention? I could be having a much needed power nap right now!

In this situation, we are presented with a choice: to sleep or stay awake. Of course, some of us may have had a long night or the teacher is simply a walking lullaby. But, it is still our responsibility to know the material. After all, it would be useful to know that bleach and ammonia is a no no. Or, how to find a geometric mean. Who knows? Maybe the stuff we learn in class might actually apply to our lives.

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