28 March 2013

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday. How can one truly make it holy? After all, isn't it just another day here on planet Earth?

The answer is no. This week is the end of the season of Lent, which is a time of fasting for the Catholic Church. Lent lasts forty days, and is a time of remembrance of Christ's sacrifice in the desert. During those 40 days, one typically gives up an aspect of his or her life that is valuable (i.e. dessert, candy). Also, meat cannot be consumed on Wednesdays and Fridays, although an exception is made for fish.

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, where a special mass is celebrated in which a cross is marked on the forehead with ashes. The mass typically ends in silence. The ending week of Lent is referred to as "Holy Week."Good Friday, Good Saturday, and Easter Sunday mark "Easter weekend," or the Triduum. According to the precepts of the Catholic Church, one is especially called to receive the Eucharist at least during the Easter season. Easter weekend is also in remembrance of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. Good Friday is held as the day He was crucified, and Easter Sunday is held as the day He rose from the dead.

Now, back to the first question. How can one truly make Holy Thursday holy? There are many ways to do so, of course, but in my opinion, one of the best ways to end Lent would be to hold out on your commitment for at least these last few days. Several of us probably have broken their lenten commitment a few times, I mean I definitely have. But, try to hold out at least the last three days, as they are specifically dedicated in remembrance of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross.

Also, along with your Lenten observance, remember to attend Mass throughout the weekend! Lets welcome all those newly Baptized Catholics into the Church!

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