01 May 2013

Science, Intellect, God

Science and religion are often separated in contemporary society. Today, atheistic ideas regarding science as the sole means to the secrets of the universe run rampant. Through science, we can conquer disease, death. Our intellect allows us to uncover the secrets of the universe, create gadgets straight out of science fiction, bring new ideas to life. 

This idea is the complete opposite of what is true. Our intellect is a gift from God. It is through our intellect that we are able to learn and come to know our Holy Father. The gift of intellect allows us to take the crazy ideas that are given to us by God and bring them to life. 

For example, take recent advancements such as Google Glass, a gadget composed of computerized glasses. This idea popped straight out of science fiction on the big screen to a reality that exists in everyday life. A rather arrogant way of taking this accomplishment would be "Hey! I don't need God, we created this technology with our minds alone.Our minds can do anything!." The truth is, God gave us this new technology for a reason. We are called to use whatever gifts he presents us with in service of others. For instance, one way we could use this technology would be an app that would monitor blood pressure for those who have heart problems. There are endless possibilities for the usage of Glass, and all the other advancements as well.

Technology is an important part of our daily lives, and we often abuse the privilege of science and intellect that got us there. It is important to remember that it is God who got us where we are, and without God, we are nothing. Although technology and science are great, God is greater. Science is a gift from our faith in God. 

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