15 May 2013

Reflections: Fishers of Men

What makes a hero? Does it have to be a man in a cape? Do they have to have superpowers?

Heroes exist. They can be as obvious as a soldier fighting for freedom, or a parent raising their child the right way. However, would you ever think of a priest as a hero? Personally, the thought never came to mind. But after watching Fishers of Men, I have a new perspective on the priesthood.

The priesthood is not glorious, nor is it rewarding in the sense that you are frequently praised for your efforts. The priesthood is a special calling. Priests are unique. Living a life of Christ is not easy, and these select few men are called by God to give their own lives in example to others, and do so every second of every day. Priests are called to be in service to others. They are able to intimately bond with their communities, and be there for them, be part of the special moments of their life. Priests are there when you are born, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Priests are there to confirm them, they're there when they get married, they're there when they fall ill, they're there when they have greatly sinned and need reconciliation. Every step of the way priests are with us, teaching us and guiding us.

A hero is not defined by the amount of glamour he or she receives, nor the bad guys they defeat, but rather, they are defined by the deeds they do in service of others. Priests are heroes. They don't need a fancy cape, just Christ. They don't need superpowers; they have Christ. Priests live their entire life to be in service for us, to be there in our moments of need, and to bring us closer to God every Sunday. They are an example of what good we can accomplish in service of others; they are teachers.

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