24 April 2013

St. Gianna Beretta Molla

St. Gianna Beretta Molla. Wife, mother, doctor who dwelt on this planet back in the mid-twentieth century. But what about her makes her worthy of the title "saint?"

Gianna was born into a rather large, but devoted Catholic family. In her early years, she contemplated a religious life, but ultimately chose to pursue a career in medicine. But even here, she did not completely put aside her religious devotion. Much of her free time was spent on charity work, and upon her graduation, she immediately went to work, opening a clinic in her hometown for the poor and elderly. Later, she obtained an additional degree in children's medicine so that she would be able to give proper care to the mothers and their young who came to her for help.

In her later years, she would marry a gentleman by the name of Pietro Molla. The two would joyfully celebrate the births of three children, Pierluigi, Mariolina, and Laura. However, in the fall of 1961, after two miscarriages, Gianna once again became pregnant. What made this event significant, is the fact that a tumor was discovered, which threatened both her life and the life of her future child. Gianna was urged by her doctors to abort her child, so as to save her own life. To her, this was completely unacceptable and stated "If you must decide between me and the child, do not hesitate. Choose the child - I insist on it. Save the baby."

Nine months later, on the Good Friday of 1962, checked into the hospital and the following day, gave birth to Gianna Emanuela. Gianna's doctor's fought and struggled to save her life as well, but ultimately the complications of childbirth proved too much for the elderly woman to bear. She died exactly one week after the birth of her newborn child.

Gianna's actions are a perfect fulfillment of John 15:13, "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." She was later canonized by Pope Blessed John Paul II in 2004.

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